Digital event accessible from your own location, Gosport, Hampshire
Enjoy a selection of popular videos and photographs about Gosport places, people and events from former years to more modern times.
Follow the links below where you can choose what to view from the comfort of your home.
- UNFATHOMABLE – John and Charles Deane story
- Have We Got Old News For You: newsreel from British Pathe
- Have We Got Old News For You: British Movietone Newsreel
- My Gosport films by Malcolm Dent
- Various videos in and about Gosport
- Victorian Forts
- Periscope Film Archive
- Looking back at… past projects created in Gosport: Maritime Archaeological Trust
- Looking back at… past projects created in Gosport: Trail Blazing
- Looking back at… past projects created in Gosport: Growing up in Gosport
- Looking back at… past projects created in Gosport: HIDDEN GOSPORT
- Wessex Film and Sound Archive
- Superimposing the Past
- Drone Videos
Queen Victoria’s train journey to Gosport: Project by Gomer Infants School, Gosport, 2013
And more besides…
Just watch one or settle in for several. Return again and again if you wish.
Some clips are short, other films over an hour. You can stop and restart at any point.
Gosport Heritage Open Days