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Gosport and its People During the Great War

Gosport Heritage Open Days (GHODs) in collaboration with Splodge Designs, were fortunate to secure grants from the Heritage Lottery Fund “First World War: Then and Now” programme. The research and creative activities ran from 2014 through to 2018 to commemorate the centenary of the 1918 Armistice which came into effect on 11 November.

This booklet provides an overview of three large heritage-based art projects, focusing on the people of Gosport in Hampshire. It covers the town’s important role in the First World War, also known as the Great War, between 1914 and 1918.

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The aim of the projects was to increase general awareness of Gosport’s contribution to the war effort on both military and civilian fronts. It was also important to capture the learning and creativity so that it could be easily accessed for future generations

For each of the three projects Splodge Designs facilitated local community groups to explore their heritage through workshops. They used interactive methods to share information and images.

These groups responded in a variety of ways to contribute artwork and content for display pieces. Some of the displays were in the form of textile pieces, 3D models and digital collages. Many participants contributed towards the soundtracks by reading out research or by singing songs from the era.

To make these displays usable and enjoyable to a wide range of people, including those with mobility, sensory or cognitive impairments, a variety of accessible techniques were used.  These included information boards with tactile sections, descriptive images, large and easy-to-read lettering and good contrast to background. Much of the written information is also provided in audio format, accessible for personal or group use via technology such as ‘Discovery Pens’ (see images), which are a great aid for people who have a visual or hearing impairment.

To view the individual content of our three WW1 centenary projects, please click the images below

Remembering the Unforgettable
Four Long Years
Peace at Last