What does ‘People Power’ mean to you? Perhaps it’s the recent marches that have taken place in London, or the growing awareness of the dangers of single-use plastics. The phrase might conjure up images of the Greenham Common women, the poll tax riots, or even John Lennon and Yoko Ono, long-haired and hippyish in the Amsterdam Hilton. People Power is all these things – from small victories to global triumphs and everything in-between. Heritage Open Days – with its roots in local community and soft activism – has People Power at its heart, and the ability of local communities, groups and
individuals to evoke change will be our main focus and theme for 2019.
People Power: Then, Now, Always. We’ve called it that for a reason. 2019 marks the 200th anniversary of the Peterloo massacre, when British forces attacked a massive pro-democracy rally. It also marks HODs 25th anniversary; two and a half decades of ‘people power’ in its purest form.
This is an opportunity to tell the stories of people who have changed and shaped your world. We want to hear about movements that have been created, friendships forged, communities strengthened and buildings saved. We want to know about the people who have been instrumental in creating your Heritage Open Days, and the benefits and changes this has brought to your community.
People Power comes in all forms; rebel songs, protest marches, conversations over tea and cake in a church hall. We want to highlight all of these.
Tell us your stories
But first things first. To make 2019 a true celebration of both HODs and People Power, we need to hear from you! Your local stories will form part of the national story.
Tell us your story by completing this short form:-