2022 has got some fascinating events. Some are linked to Gosport’s Astounding Inventions, others are favourites such as the excellent Diving Museum to see the world’s oldest diving helmet and to the world’s only Hovercraft Museum.
We are excited this year to be having events both at Explosion Museum and at the famous Submarine Museum.
This year you can again visit Fort Brockhurst for free, a fort built in the 1862 to protect Portsmouth and its vital harbour against a French invasion. Largely unaltered, you can visit:
- the parade ground
- gun ramps
- moated keep
- washrooms
- armoury
All courtesy of English Heritage. Volunteers will be on hand to share the history of this imposing site while the Fort Cumberland Guard, a 19th-century re-enactment group, will give displays of Victorian military training and musket firing. You will also be able to see historic Military vehicles making this a great fun day for children and adults alike.
1. Brouhaha – a carnival and procession in the High Street on Saturday 17 September
2. Model Ships and Military Vehicles in WW2 action
3. A walk along the Passageways and Alleyways of Gosport High Street
4. Hovercraft Museum
5. Diving history at No 2 Battery (the Diving Museum)
6. Explore Fort Brockhurst
7. John Holland’s Incredible Invention – a children’s walk at the Submarine Museum
8. Explore Fort Rowner – HMS Sultan
9. HMS Sultan aircraft and museum’s
10. Ghosts of Haslar – self guided walk
11. Give it a go festival at Walpole Park on Saturday 17 September
12. Ride on a historic bus – Gosport’s green buses at Explosion museum
13. Post boxes of Gosport – self guided tour
Checkout the list of events above and tell your family, friends and neighbours. Do put 9-18 September in your calendar and decide who to go with! Make this the year you DO visit Heritage Open Days!